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Julien Priez

Julien Priez

Julien Priez was born in Montreuil, France and studied Graphic Design and Type Design between 2004 and 2010 at Eugénie Cotton Montreuil and Estienne Paris.

After working for three years as a freelance typographer and calligrapher for several agencies, Pierre Di Sciullo, Atelier Chévara (Marge Design today), and Atelier Muësli, he left to work as an employee in type foundry for two years.

James Edmondson

James Edmondson

James is an type designer based in Oakland, California. He studied graphic design at California College of the Arts, and graduated from the Royal Academy of Art TypeMedia program in the Netherlands.

Through his foundry OH no Type Co., he creates custom and retail typefaces. In 2018, James co-founded Future Fonts, a platform for distributing fonts in-progress.

Zrinka Buljubašić

Zrinka Buljubašić

Zrinka is a type and graphic designer with strong emphasis on blending type, digital media and print.

She has graduated TypeMedia, Master’s programme at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK), has obtained certificate at Type@Cooper program at Cooper Union in New York and has graduated from Arts Academy of Split, Croatia in Master of New Media Design and Baccalareus of Visual Communication Design.

Manuel López

Manuel López

Manuel is a graphic designer, specializing in digital typeface design.

Holds a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and a postgraduate degree in Typeface Design.

His work has been included in four editions of the Latin-American Typography Biennial.

He is a member of ATypI,and contributing designer at PampaType foundry.

Romina Hernández

Romina Hernández

Romina is a designer from Mexico City. She first trained as a Bachelor in Industrial Design, but quickly developed a passion for letters and devoted most of her time to learning calligraphy, typography and type design. While working at a small graphic design shop, she earned a post diploma in ”Type Innovation” (whatever that means) from centro university and then, not having had enough of it, moved to The Hague for another year of type at TypeMedia. She’s currently back in Mexico doing freelance type work, making tea and petting cats.

Frida Medrano

Frida Medrano

Frida is a digital and type designer from Monterrey, Mexico. She has worked for one of the most important design agencies in the country - Anagrama. Besides her work in type design with a high-contrast typeface Kalnia, she also specializes in variable typography developing projects such as Jabin.

Guido Ferreyra

Guido Ferreyra

Guido is a graphic designer and developer born in Cordoba, Argentina. His work focuses on the intersection between type design and technology and he specializes in the font production and creating Python tools for font editing applications and encoded graphics.

He collaborates with other designers and type foundries in solving problems and increasing productivity by developing tools to improve workflows.

Sandra García

Sandra García

Sandra has a degree in Graphic Design from the Universidad del Área Andina, Colombia. Master in Typographic Design by the Centro de Estudios Gestalt, Mexico. Currently teaching at the Universidad de la Comunicación, Mexico. Speaker at national and international conferences. She has developed the project «Collectiva» a font for signage and collaborated in the design of the typographic family «Woun Iek» ( for the native Wounaan Colombian language.

Juan Villanueva

Juan Villanueva

Juan Villanueva is a Brooklyn-based typeface designer, letterer, and educator.

He grew up in Lima, Peru and spent his teenage years in Clifton, NJ before pursuing a BFA in Graphic Design, Illustration and Animation from Montclair State University. His heart is in both places and his work reflects the best of both languages and cultures.  

He currently spends his days designing typefaces at Monotype. He’s worked on custom typefaces for Tencent and Google, and contributed to type releases including Helvetica Now, Walbaum, and Sagrantino. 

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